konoha wasn’t really wrong to be confused when she heard “LHA file” because like, did anyone ever actually call it that or use anything other than LZH for the archive extension? believe me, I’ve hung around enough 2ch uploaders and cracked enough axfc upload passwords to know that not even weird uncles use anything other than LZH. that’s the thing about the historical authenticity in this show ー it’s mostly all there, except mamoru is somehow also able to use 32-bit registers. who cares, though, the world line probably diverged because of eroge again. romeo did it.

anyway you can now download the CGs that konoha made compressed in an LZH archive. never you mind that the maintainer begged everyone to stop using the format over a decade ago. normal people can enjoy the BMPs, but there are also MAG and PI formats included that were built with your pet PC-98 in mind. if you’re like me, a total poser that doesn’t even want to boot up DOSbox, you can just split the difference with irfanview because it supports both with extensions. just promise me you won’t put a scanline filter over them.