Skip to Loafer episode 5 title card
Skip to Loafer episode 7 title card
Skip to Loafer episode 8 title card
Skip to Loafer episode 11 title card

finally dug through the credits for skip to loafer to put a name to these great title cards and it looks like they were done by murakami ryo, who also is credited with the great design work on akiba maid war. typography is very utilitarian across a lot of anime (I have a tumblog about it that I struggle to update) so it’s really nice to see truly unique takes on onomatopoeia given such great focus outside of a manga context.

the OP credits font is also tsubame R from fontworks, which shares name with the high school mitsumi starts attending in tokyo. I don’t know if that’s an amazing coincidence, but I feel rewarded for noticing it in a way that having database font knowledge usually doesn’t!